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Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit

Results 191 cuda-samples issues
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Recently, I have done some performance optimization work. i used zero copy memory in my work. but i met a strange phenomenon. I have a custom struct array, and i...

Is there any practical examples that uses L2 residency control or async copy introduced in CUDA 11?

I've run this sample on 2070super and 3090, the Naive kernel is always the fastest method for both GPUs. What's your purpose for this sample? A redundant and slow way...

Hello, I have a problem with installing OpenPose on my computer. After building files (using CMake), I entered a build folder in OpenPose documentation and wrote command in terminal: make...

Shouldn't this be using GENERIC_ALL? According to looks like those flags shouldn't be DXGI flags...

I am trying to build the `/NVIDIA_CUDA-11.4_Samples` and I have the following error. ``` >>> GCC Version is greater or equal to 5.1.0

how to add cublas sgemm to cudaGraph by cudaGraphAddKernelNode?

I'm sharing my experience including a small suggestion regarding buffer management and behavior of 'cuda-samples/Samples/bandwidthTest' under a GPU virtualization solution (Bitfusion, in my case). I hope this is useful for...

I have installed tensorflow 2.5.0 using pip command, installed cuda 11.2 and cudnn 8.1.1. GCC version -7.3.1 Bazel version - 3.7.2 Its a Linux server with RHEL 7.6 . I...