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Getting some errors running our build script on a new computer using version 5.3.0: ``` ********** 1 / 2 REGENERATE PROJECT FILES ********** Running packman in preparation for cmake ......
### Library and Version PhysX 5.2.1 PhysX 4.1.2 NOT: PhysX 3.3.4 ### Operating System Windows 10 ### Steps to Trigger Behavior 1. Use PxD6JointCreate to construct a new D6 joint...
Hello! I'm working with PxArticulationGeneralizedCoordinate. No forces are applied, gravity is zero, no collisions are created. Some of the joint angles instantly change after a single scene->simulate() call. I've tested...
I've noticed that ScConstraintSim.cpp Sc::ConstraintSim::ConstraintSim(ConstraintCore& core, RigidCore* r0, RigidCore* r1, Scene& scene) : sets the constraint flags to eBREAKABLE and eCHECK_MAX_FORCE_EXCEEDED, but eBROKEN does not get set, even if the...
### Library and Version PhysX v5.3.0 (last commit on trunk) ### Operating System Windows 10 ### Steps to Trigger Behavior 1. Create a RigidBody & a constraint (like a joint)...
Please, where can I download PhysX sdk msi ?
By PxMeshScale::toMat33, we have `f(v) = T * v`, where `T = tr(R) * S * R` and - tr(R): transpose of R, - S: diagonal matrix containing the scaling...
See issue #156 ### Description For Capsule-Mesh contact generation, contacts can be generated whose seperation value is higher than the contact offset. In some scenarios (image below) with relatively thin...
Hi, I have been trying to extract data from Flow by using the snippet below (and similar snippets writing the output of the simulation to the filesystem) provided in the...