Jason Milldrum
Jason Milldrum
Hi Patrick, I'm certainly not opposed to the idea of adding new modes to the library. Also, I say this without any on-the-air experience in the mode. It's my understanding...
Yes, as I only currently have Uno hardware, I admittedly did not write this first pass of code with portability in mind. I'll try moving the defs into i2c.c and...
Thanks, I will fix this once I've completed my work on the Arduino library and can focus on this code again.
Thank you much for the report, I will be digging into this shortly.
Confirmed the same behavior in the Arduino version of the library. Going to copy this over to the Arduino library and conduct most of my work there. Once it is...
Thanks much for all of your work on this. I'm going to leave it open for now, just because I'm working hard on the Arduino branch of the code, and...
I need to do another good look over my code, but I believe that is a typo and it should have been "pll_freq". Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Thanks to @MCUdude for the pointer to Urboot. I tried one of the precompiled bootloaders for ATtiny85 at 8 MHz internal osc, and I've been able to use it with...
Yeah, I connected my CH210X DTR line to reset (through the 100 nF cap) and it still worked like a dream. No manual reset necessary. I'll have to try it...
Thanks for the really detailed feedback! I definitely became aware of the weakness in the library of calculating fractional Hz parameters when I tried using it to generate WSPR and...