The interior ability on cohort needs an `:async true`. I'll add a PR with that and a few other fixes some time soon.
Thanks for the report.
Hi, these were ephemeral issues related to #7346. I'm closing this as completed/fixed via #7383, but if anything like this happens again, please do open another issue.
I updated this to take the standard+ format out of visibility. We can merge this, or scrap the whole thing, I don't mind either way (but if we scrap it,...
Closed as completed via https://github.com/NetrunnerDB/netrunnerdb/pull/813
Did this ever occur again, or was it a one-time (or one-day) thing?
Haven't got a clue, I'm just passing on the bug reports from the AMT tournaments
I believe the card has a "Both" option as the third button on the prompt. Was that not available? I don't particularly like that though, so I want to change...
See also #6249
Neat. Genuinely had no clue. Sooner or later I'll figure this one out.