Mythical Trashcan
Mythical Trashcan
I tested with mappings.json and it gave a big error log. [log.txt](
I used the channel's id and name on Discord to connect to Revolt. On Revolt, it doesn't do anything. I would type something like (rc!connect [revoltchannelid) and I tried the...
I gave the bot all permissions on both Revolt and Discord. I ensured that when inviting the bot, it also has the proper permissions in the URL Generator.
I have ensured that every single permission is the exact same as the first server and testing the first server, it works perfectly fine, with or without mappings.json. It just...
I will note in case it matters that this second server is from around 2021 and I am just making it mix with Revolt. I am not sure if that...
I have confirmed that both the role and channels have all permissions including the View Channel and Masquerade. The UI doesn't be weird if you press save. If you don't...