revcord copied to clipboard
Revolt's connect function does nothing and Discord can't find the Revolt channel.
I tried to use this on another server with 2 different bots with the same permissions. Everything is set up on Revolt, Discord, and Revcord. I am not sure why it doesn't work on this other server, but it does work fine on the first one. I tried re-using the old bots and still got the same problem. I also can't show logs because there were none listed. It just didn't do anything on Revolt and Discord says "Can't find Revolt channel".
I tested with mappings.json and it gave a big error log. log.txt
It seems just like the bot doesn't see the channel on revolt's side. Are you sure permissions are set up correctly? Try using the connect command on revolt, also try using ID and channel name as well.
I used the channel's id and name on Discord to connect to Revolt. On Revolt, it doesn't do anything. I would type something like (rc!connect [revoltchannelid) and I tried the name too. No messages appear in chat and no errors appear in the console.
This sounds definitely like the bot not seeing the channel. Adjust the permissions accordingly, also remember about channel specific permissions.
I gave the bot all permissions on both Revolt and Discord. I ensured that when inviting the bot, it also has the proper permissions in the URL Generator.
I have ensured that every single permission is the exact same as the first server and testing the first server, it works perfectly fine, with or without mappings.json. It just seems to not work for the second one.
I will note in case it matters that this second server is from around 2021 and I am just making it mix with Revolt. I am not sure if that matters, but the first server on Discord is as old as the one on Revolt.
Hi! Sorry if I sound redundant, but do double check also the per channel permissions. I say that as I had also issues implementing my Revcord bot a short while ago. The "view channel" permission for the bot role was missing on the channel I needed in Revolt (default role does not have "view" permission). The rest of the permissions can be default (if the default role is unchanged). And keep in mind that sometimes Revolt UI tricks you into thinking you made a change but actually you didn't. Hope that helps. If not, well... I tried.
I have confirmed that both the role and channels have all permissions including the View Channel and Masquerade. The UI doesn't be weird if you press save. If you don't it seems to paste it over for the next person you press which is odd.