
Results 51 comments of MysteryPancake

It may be a good idea to have an option for server hosting, but it becomes complicated on Heroku. My cheap knockoff bot can currently be hosted [locally or on...

They have linked the JavaScript version on the README:

This issue is more relevant to DeepFaceLab which is responsible for training and face swapping, whereas this page is just an application of DeepFaceLab

Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if there is a way to use v3 labels with this Colab?

I noticed [sdobz and some others used a similar method]( in as well. I would like to test out [requestFrame](, as I feel this could improve the timing. I...

Not yet - I'm not sure about determining the framerate. It would be good if [seekToNextFrame]( was widely supported

What do the 'do' things on line 110, 134 and 182 actually do? They look pointless to me

Wouldn't this need to be added to the list [here]( as well?

I made a quick test and it looks nice ``` hook.Add( "CalcView", "Test", function( ply, pos, ang, fov ) local n = 0.5 - util.CoherentNoise( CurTime() * 2 ) return...

It may also be worth adding `navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia`, [as `navigator.getUserMedia` is deprecated]( (#190)