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Narwhal & Tusk are a high throughput mempool & consensus, used in the Sui smart contract platform

Results 145 narwhal issues
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We are starting to read federated logs from several validators using e.g. our docker-compose validators. Our aggregation techniques for this are not great: they jumble the provenance of each log...

good first issue

For consistency (in json / yaml config files), we would like to use the text format `Multiaddr` to specify the address and port for all services, including prometheus. Closes #575

#### Summary This file contains an implementation of a negligible-cost (apart from some ocassional pk copying) trivial cryptographic scheme. The purpose of this library is to allow seamless benchmarking of...


Allows to change the committee at any point, even if it is not the end of an epoch. This is useful if we wants to change the committee to only...

Fixes [Issue#539](

Some small improvements in the benchmarking client documentation

This should make the scoping and termination of tasks (which will be key to #600) clearer to analyze. Closes #77.

Fixes [Issue#529](

Refactor the cleanup code to use a watch that notifies other components of the consensus number change, instead of actively polling a shared Atomic u64 at every iteration of each...