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MyoSuite is a collection of environments/tasks to be solved by musculoskeletal models simulated with the MuJoCo physics engine and wrapped in the OpenAI gym API.
It looks like simulation instabilities occur from time to time in myoHandPoseRandom-v0 task and it affect the training perfromance. Is it a know issue? Any advices on how it can...
Hello, First of all, this repository is very helpful, and I appreciate the resources provided. I'm currently looking for gait trajectory data similar to [sample_gait_cycle.csv]( Could you suggest where I...
how can I solve this problem,please
I have created a basic environment for reaching to random targets in space with the MyoSuite arm. - I created a new myoarm_reach.xml file by modifying the existing myoarm_relocate.xml file...
I saw that the last release to date (Myosuite 2.7.0) included the Myoskeleton model that I am pretty excited to with. However I could not find it in the available...
Original Issue: > another question by the way, when i use myosuite 2.4.0 (git clone) gymnasium 0.29.1 stable_baselines3 2.3.2, there will be a warning like this, I also found this...
Executing a simple step of the environment results in a weird reproduction of the musculoskeletal model. env = gym.make('myoElbowPose1D6MRandom-v0') env.reset() for _ in range(1000): env.mj_render() env.step(env.action_space.sample()) # take a random...
As discussed in, I tried to modify `VideoRecorderCallback` from using `env.sim.renderer.render_offscreen() ` as follows: ```python class VideoRecorderCallback(BaseCallback): def __init__(self, eval_env: gym.Env, render_freq: int, n_eval_episodes: int = 5, deterministic:...
Python version: 3.11.7 MyoSuite version: 2.5 Gymnasium version: 0.29.1 Gym not installed OS: Windows 10 When I run the [challenge tutorial]( I get the following warning messages: - WARN: The...