Hi@abmiguez in hope you are fine, I am trying to install biobakery an i am getting this error tried my ways but failed.followed some tutorials and guides also kindly help...
Hi @timflutre Hope you are fine and keeping safe I am running kneaddata, but it gave and error with Trimmomatic **kneaddata –input1 /media/sf_Shared_folder/ovas/Final/81_R1.fastq --input2 /media/sf_Shared_folder/ovas/Final/81_R2.fastq --reference-db /home/qiime2/ref_dtabase/ --output kneaddata_81 --trimmomatic...
Dear Chi Liu I am trying to run a code t1$plot_diff_cladogram(use_taxa_num = 200, use_feature_num = 50, clade_label_level = 5, group_order = c("IC", "MC")). I am getting an error: **Error: attempt...
Hi I am facing an issues, When I try to ran **mpse2 %% mp_rrarefy (.abundance=Abundance) %>% mp_cal_rarecurve (.abundance=Rare Abundance, chunks=500)** the code takes lot of times and does not complete,...