
Results 4 issues of Mumberthrax

## Version Information `Minecraft: 1.12.2` `Forge:` `Mantle: ` `Natura: ` `Apple Core: AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.2.0` `Hunger Overhaul: 1.12.2-1.3.3.jenkins148` ## Report Information setting "removeTallGrassSeeds=true" in hunger overhaul config file does not prevent...

Seemingly Paper servers believe books using these characters are part of some sort of item duplication hack or "ban book" hack, and auto-kick players who try to create them. I...

#### Issue Description: crash on startup. no other mods installed. seemingly related to pokecube.mixins.json. #### What happens: Crash on initial program startup. Notable log error states: > java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified...

Bug - Code

Request: instead of setting the watering can to 10 uses and 25% chance to fertilize, allow config values to be used which default to those values. The watering can is...
