additionaladditions copied to clipboard
Feature Request: Watering can config values: CanCapacity, FertilizeChance
Request: instead of setting the watering can to 10 uses and 25% chance to fertilize, allow config values to be used which default to those values.
The watering can is nice combined with the moisturization mod to make farming a little more challenging. I enjoyed the harvest festival mod that mimicked stardew valley/harvest moon where crops needed to be watered once per day, so for me it would be nice to be able to increase the can's uses before refilling, and decrease the chance for fertilization when using it.
I propose adding two entries in a config file for the mod: CanCapacity and FertilizeChance, which would be referenced in src/main/java/dqu/additionaladditions/item/ on lines 56, 77, and 80
line 56:
if (world.random.nextFloat() < 0.25)
if (world.random.nextFloat() < FertilizeChance)
line 77:
if (stack.getDamageValue() == 100) return;
if (stack.getDamageValue() == CanCapacity) return;
line 80:
I'm not experienced with Java so idk if variables need special syntax but something like the above anyway. Thanks for making such a neat mod.