Updating status here because this seems to be the "parent" issue. It appears the following code within FML is blowing up: ``` java public UniqueIdentifier(String string) { String[] parts =...
I wrote a small method to loop through the item registry and call GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor() for each item. I had no issues. All items had the appropriate modId. Mind you, EqE...
@Hilburn: If you would like to recreate the users issue and ensure that the issue isn't something on your end, here is a suggestion. Just before [](, add something like...
Not sure how explosives fit into the theme of this mod, but I'll leave the request open and see if there are any thoughts.
What exactly is the issue here? I have a pretty good item insert util written up for Equivalent Energistics that may help depending on what the issue is.
That particular change to EqE has not been commited yet, but I'll see if I can package the routines into a gist and share it with you.
See if this helps:
I would need to see a pic of your setup
Actually its not that the fabricator has no block hardness... It does, you can see that when you try to break it via the bottom center block. Its that the...
I would need to know what mod provides the cables and battery you are trying to use in order to provide any help. In general, power should be applied to...