
Results 9 comments of MoishyS

we can base it on `mat-select openedChange` instead of bankServerSideFilteringCtrl.value, so we can leave the `filter((search) => !!search)`

- we should add an example for multi-select - currently each bank will have the same object reference, on a real server-side filtering it will be a new object, and...

@Knoxvillekm @macjohnny Another issue when using multi-select, when you deselect the last one from filtered results, it will deselect all, included previous selected values [stackblitz]( ![yeqIVVnXAd-output]( adding the invisible option...

we can solve the issue partially, by only showing options that are not in the filtered results [stackblitz]( ``` this.hiddenOptions = this.filteredServerSideBanks.pipe( map( (values) => this.bankServerSideCtrl.value?.filter( (a) => !values.find((b) =>...

ok, was able to solve it, by only showing the options if search ctrl is empty [stackblitz]( ``` {{ }} ``` also need to remove `filter((search) => !!search)` as...

for vscode add below to settings.json ``` "files.associations": { "appsettings*.json": "jsonc" }

I am surprised that it's still not in plan, Laravel has had it for like 10 years already. ``` posts id - integer title - string body - text...

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