ngx-mat-select-search copied to clipboard
[QUESTION] How to set a default value using server look up
I want to set the initial value on the input. I have tried multiple things, but no matter what I do, I can't set the initial value to the input.
Let me explain my application. I have an Object Project, which has assigned a Customer. So, if I am editing an existing Project the input has to show it's customer name.
I am not able to setValue()
to the input if we got customerIdProject
. How I can achieve that?
Input it should show the name of its customer assigned.
If I create a new project, the input hasn't any initial value.
That's my code:
<mat-select [formControl]="customerCtrl" placeholder="Customer" #singleSelect>
<ngx-mat-select-search [formControl]="customerFilterCtrl" type='text' placeholderLabel='Search a customer'
noEntriesFoundLabel="No customer found">
<mat-option *ngFor=" let customer of filteredCustomers" [value]="customer">
I want to simulate a lazy loading, and the fetch has to be done on the server, not on the front because I can have thousonds of customers and the performance will be so horrible.
export class CustomerInputComponent implements OnInit {
public customerCtrl: FormControl = new FormControl();
public customerFilterCtrl: FormControl = new FormControl();
public filteredCustomers: ReplaySubject<any[]> = new ReplaySubject<any[]>(1);
protected _onDestroy = new Subject<void>();
customers = [];
@Input() formProject: FormGroup;
@Input() customerIdProject: string;
@ViewChild("singleSelect") singleSelect: MatSelect;
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private customerService: CustomerService
) {}
ngOnInit() {
if (this.customerIdProject) {
this.customerService.findOne(this.customerIdProject).subscribe((result) => {
this.customerCtrl.setValue(this.customers[0]); // it should be passed an array with an index selected?
filter((search) => !!search),
.subscribe(() => {//filtering by input typed. that is working
.getAll(null, this.customerFilterCtrl.value)
.subscribe((result) => {
this.filteredCustomers =;
ngOnDestroy() {;
Example if filter is 'john': It will return all the customers that each name contains the word 'john'.
.getAll(null, this.customerFilterCtrl.value)
Does this help you?
No! It didn't help me.
Add an invisible option for the selected value:
<mat-select [formControl]="customerCtrl" placeholder="Customer" #singleSelect>
<ngx-mat-select-search [formControl]="customerFilterCtrl" type='text' placeholderLabel='Search a customer'
noEntriesFoundLabel="No customer found">
<mat-option [value]="customerCtrl.value" style="display: none">
{{ customerCtrl.value?.name }}
<mat-option *ngFor=" let customer of filteredCustomers" [value]="customer">
Or push value to filteredCustomers:
if (this.customerIdProject) {
this.customerService.findOne(this.customerIdProject).subscribe((result) => {
const subscription = this.filteredCustomers.subscribe(() => this.customerCtrl.setValue(;[]);
@boscharnau is this resolved?
@Knoxvillekm @macjohnny
Another issue when using multi-select, when you deselect the last one from filtered results, it will deselect all, included previous selected values stackblitz
adding the invisible option solves it, but causes a different issue with ctrl+a. instead of deselecting all (after selecting all) it selects all again.
we can solve the issue partially, by only showing options that are not in the filtered results stackblitz
this.hiddenOptions = this.filteredServerSideBanks.pipe(
(values) =>
(a) => !values.find((b) => ==
) ?? []
it's still an issue when you deselect all (ctrl+a), it will also deselect the options that aren't included in the filtered results.
ok, was able to solve it, by only showing the options if search ctrl is empty stackblitz
<ng-container *ngIf="!bankServerSideFilteringCtrl.value">
<mat-option *ngFor="let bank of bankServerSideCtrl.value"
[value]="bank" style="display: none">
{{ }}
also need to remove filter((search) => !!search)
as we won't hide the options when the select is visible, and will then have the issues with ctrl+a.
my question is, if this is the right way to fix, or do we have a better solution?
@MoishyS thanks for reporting an issue. I moved the discussion to