Tobias Graf
Tobias Graf
The number of cell boundaries in `segmentation_polygons.json` far exceeds the number of cells in `segmentation.csv` and `segmentation_cell_stats.csv`. For example one of my runs produced 4013 polygons but only 2430 cells....
Running the [Full Analysis Example]( on the mouse olfactory bulb datasets leads to diverging sdea results compared to the docs. The signal is too spread out and the regions of...
The chapter "Data Access" of the documentation describes how to obtain the public data for the Full Analysis Example. Users are instructed to download the zenodo repository, which sadly does...
tl;dr: Observation windows are a crucial piece of spatial metadata. It should be possible to associate `SpatialData` objects and elements with observation windows. Polygon elements can describe observation windows, but...
The geometry argument is used to select which kind of shapes to create when using `ShapesModel.parse`. The possible arguments are 0, 3 and 6 which map to `Circles`, `Polygon` and...