So I found the PDF of the user manual and the instructions for pairing are: Short press " I " button 3 times within 3 seconds when light on This...
I have probably 6 other RGB+CCT bulbs and they all worked easy enough out of the box. Unfortunately, any remotes I have that are packed away since I haven't needed...
I just tried with SDR++ and it has the same issue. It can see the two radios remotely but once it starts running it starts the timeout loop
Thanks for the response, I was away for a couple of days but am working on this now. I recloned the repository into a new folder but git checkout bee3ddd...
To update, I was able to download the entire branch as of bee3ddd and it wouldn't compile (something about pthreads but i was able to use the modified cariboulite_radio.h and...
Also I don't now if it's related or not but after the SMI goes nuts my wifi connection to the RPi4 goes wonky with all kinds of packet loss/etc. This...
Thanks @konimaru I did a new checkout of your branch and installed it. I get more debug data from the SoapySDRServer but the end results are the same (a few...