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FUT012 won't pair?
It's been a few years but one of my bulbs went out so I bought a FUT012 "MIBOXER" branded 9W bulb.
The FUT012 is listed as being RGB+CCT on the wiki so I attempted to pair by setting the id (I've tried several, most recently Hub 1 ID 0x2022) and hitting pair within 5 seconds of applying power.
The bulb doesn't blink nor does it respond to on/off or other commands.
I fully admit I haven't done this since the initial setup ages ago but I think I'm following the correct procedures?
I did a capture and the only traffic I see during the paring attempt is variations of: rgb_cct packet received (9 bytes): Raw packet: 00 DB C1 01 66 D1 A6 66 E8
Decoded: Key : 00 b1 : 20 ID : 2022 Command : 01 Argument : 01 Sequence : 14 Group : 01 Checksum : 31
with different sequence and checksum #'s.
All of my existing lights are responding so the radio is working.
Any ideas? It it possible MiBOXER FUT012 is a different bulb? I can't really see it since MiBoxer is a Mi-light subbrand (according tot he box?)
I don't know where my remotes are to double-check the bulb is working but the box lists the following as compatible: FUT089/089-B FUT092/092-B FUT088 FUT096/096-B S2-B/S2-W/S2-G
the wiki indicates RGB+CCT (FUT092) settings should work, I also tried FUT089/B8 and it does the same.
Any Ideas?
Many Thanks!
So I found the PDF of the user manual and the instructions for pairing are: Short press " I " button 3 times within 3 seconds when light on
This seems different than I remember with the other bulbs. I've tried hitting "Pair" 3 times in the GUI but that doesn't work.
Thanks! -S
I don’t have a fut012 sorry but have tried a heap of other ones with RGB+CCT as the remote and just click pair once within a few seconds of applying power to the bulbs and the light should flash green a few times. Every different RGB+CCT bulb or light I have tried has worked first time.
the “I” 3 times is just for the remote, have you got it paired to a remote? Maybe try unpairing it from that first.
Or try using 0xE68 that’s the code of a real RGB-CCT remote and works for me
I have probably 6 other RGB+CCT bulbs and they all worked easy enough out of the box.
Unfortunately, any remotes I have that are packed away since I haven't needed them for a couple of years at least.
The FUT012 in question is the first one I got with "MiBOXER" branding ("Mi-Light Subordinate New Brand" is also on the box) instead of just Mi-Light so that is why I was wondering if the pairing procedure was different.
I tried 0xE68 as device name with no luck. Is there a shorter distance for pairing (like Zigbee/Zwave) for the bulbs, so I could put in in a fixture close to the hub and then move it back to it's final location?
I Should have said, mine are all less than a month old miboxer branded, so procedure has not changed, yes I would try it close maybe the pair command is not being repeated by the others to get to your bulb