
Results 157 issues of Mingun

Runtime changes for https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_compiler/pull/288

[RandomAccessFile.read()](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/io/RandomAccessFile.html#read(byte[])) can read fewer bytes than requested, this is not an EOF. -1 will be returned in case of EOF.

I noted, that this repository has some tests, but there is no corresponding CI task to run them

To allow developers without gpg test their changes I moved signing under a flag. Now if you need to sign artefacts you should pass `-DperformRelease=true` flag to the maven command:...

Runtime changes for https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_compiler/pull/197

That absolute positions must be stored in the debug maps (`_attrStart`, `_attrEnd`, `_arrStart`, `_arrEnd`). Without that it is impossible or too hard to determine correct position of parsed objects, especially...

If you want to build visualizer, you must rely on that fact, that internal fields begins with underscore. You can use the static field `_seqFields` to distinguish between parameters and...

Currently to obtain debug maps with positions you must use reflection. That looks ugly, because you need to catch checked exceptions, that never will be thrown. I suggest to add...

If you look at generated code for `valid_*.ksy` tests you will see that exceptions are created using temporary values from getters of just constants. The program will crash if you...

The rust support still unfinished, so it is safe to not bother with backward compatibility here. I removed methods, that was newer used by the `RustCompiler` / `RustTranslator`, add new...