This is my current config. The problem is that i don't want it to return back to zero after stopping moving it, since i want to use it as steer...
Tested up some things, and it seems the level crashes by itself, without the need of a script trigger. Here is the worldmap to try to reproduce: [test.zip](https://github.com/SuperTux/supertux/files/13467716/test.zip)
I deleted ~/.local/share/supertux and reinstalled it (this time the stable version) and after playing a bit with scripts i got the same problem again.
> Hitting a police or civilian ship with a weapon or torpedo while police are in the vicinity should be the only way to trigger a piracy charge I don't...
> I agree that near cities and space stations "unlawful weapon discharge" should still be a thing but you should be able to do whatever you want in interplanetary space...
Searching a bit on internet it seems it's not impossible only in ogre, but in OpenGL itself.
> Ideally the game should display an error if conflicting parts (wheels, node/prop/flexbody tweaks) are installed. I was thinking about another solution... What about addon categories? Inside the addon parts...
> Applying any addon reloads the vehicle, the server treats this as if you spawned a new vehicle. This can trigger the spawn spam protection if enabled. One time the...
Extra idea: What if only the nearest vehicles actually had full physics? Vehicles far from the player could be kinda "dummy vehicles" with a simplistic N/B and lower LOD meshes....
Just happened again. Anybody reproduced it?