did you expect us to intentionally not fix something despite being provided the issue, source and examples? we'd have to be stepmania to do that opening until a commit solves...
ok im having trouble reproducing this so can i get some info any hardware info you think is relevant? os? vsync? if not whats your general gameplay fps? release build...
i actually get this consistently if i open photoshop while the game is open, and have had the issue with other programs as well (that i can't remember)
my hope was the community would keep the bundle sets updated over time but that never really happened maybe a little push will get the ball rolling so if that...
ok i could spend all day nitpicking about this topic but i'm not really invested enough anymore and never really considered clear types a primary means of communicating information in...
the issue being described has been unable to be replicated by anyone looking at the issue or any general player in the last 4.5 years so user error is going...
it is, and it's planned, however it's not anywhere near the top of the priority list for me. Though there is someone else who has voiced interest in working on...
the calc was already rewritten to allow .a construction so it should already be possible to compile on linux if it's not which I guess it looks like is the...
the updated calc was never pushed to the repo so i have to get one of the linux-literate devs to do that and update, one of them should be free...