Mina Pêcheux

Results 4 comments of Mina Pêcheux

Hi, nice catch, thanks! So the project actually works for Unity 2019.3 and Unity 2020+, but it seems to have some shaders issues at version 2019 LTS (2019.4). I'm guessing...

Nice one, happy to know you found a solution! This "Upgrade NOTE" comes from the automatic "level up" of the Unity project: I wrote my project using Unity 2019.3, so...

Hello! Given that there isn't more info, I can suggest that this error comes either from: - an unexistent terrain texture (ie the terrain is assigned a texture that doesn't...

Hi again! So the tree prefabs are missing because I'm using assets from the store that I didn't commit... (the low-poly pack). Not sure how to go about this: as...