Corrects minor typo in logs printed by plugin. ## Pre-launch Checklist - [x] I read the [Contributor Guide] and followed the process outlined there for submitting PRs. - [x] I...
Add documentation for iOS auth with SERVER_CLIENT_ID. After a long time struggling with a non-working iOS configuration but Android working well, I figured out that firebase was not adding the...
- Fix SafeArea cropping background of ModalBottomSheet. - Reenable barrierColor (strange choice here, if the user doesn't want it he can change ThemeData, if the barrierColor is set explicitly to...
Hello, In my app users can trigger review with a button in the settings page. When they do I check if the `requestReview()` is available with `isAvailable()` method. If not...
Seems to be a confusion between the entry position in the list and it's id.