Bug Catcher / Milan
Bug Catcher / Milan
more info coming soon... WIP
**Description** Specifically, in this case we are a USDC bridge from Gnosis to Ethereum and when the bridge is successful and we click on the "collect" option, we get an...
**Description** "QouteNotFound" error message occurs when trying to swap this pair via COW swap. #### Definition of done - [ ] Description is created (Task creator) - [ ] Code...
**Description** This issue is a list of things that need to be fixed in order for the site to be Mobile Responsive. @0xVenky @zamli Please review the screenshots to know...
**Description** This issue is a list of things that need to be fixed in order for the site to be Mobile Responsive. @0xVenky @zamli Please review the screenshots to know...
**Description** If user try to type in WalletConnect search filed nothing happens, it is not possible to enter in the field or search wallets by name. #### Definition of done...
**Description** There should be a better option to show the data below the bridge as it is currently "OMNIBRIDGE:ETH-XDAI" #### Definition of done - [ ] Description is created (Task...
If we enter a certain number in the field and then delete it after clicking anywhere outside the field, the value returns as if it had not been deleted. How...
We have a miss-alignment in two places  It should be corrected according to the design from Figma https://www.figma.com/file/L8tamoiv3mTCRaypHLk1us/DXswap?node-id=2864%3A17722
**Description** After removing (MAX) liquidity buttons 'Approve' and 'Remove' are still active and it is possible to click but when it comes to confirm modal window there is no possibility...