Mikkel Schubert
Mikkel Schubert
I would advice against generating a tarball from the current master HEAD. The fact that the branch was merged into master does not mean that master is in a release-worthy...
Sorry for the lack of updates. For personal reasons I have not been able to focus a lot of attention on this project. My current goal is to have a...
I've released the first Python 3 version of PALEOMIX, v1.3.0. Sorry for the many delays. There are still a lot of things to be done, but I'll be pushing those...
Thanks, Andreas. I've applied the patch and will include it in the next release. Best, Mikkel
Dear Oscar, I apologize for the state of the documentation for the phylogenetic pipeline. I do intend to remidy this, along with a rework it to make it easier to...
Hi Nathan, Thank you for the suggestion. The addition of support for variant graph mapping is planned, but I cannot say when it will be added. Cheers On Thu, 2...
Hi Nathan, Are these SE or PE reads? If they are SE reads, then checking/trimming the first N bases should suffice, but if they are PE reads, then using the...
This functionality is still available in the last tagged release (v2.2.1), but was removed in the mater branch due to a lack of perceived benefit and due to the problems...
Hi @jfy133. Sorry for the lack of progress. I've had a lot of projects that needed my attention, which unfortunately meant that v3 has not progressed as far as I...
@jfy133 The first alpha release of V3 is available under releases: https://github.com/MikkelSchubert/adapterremoval/releases/tag/v3.0.0-alpha1 The linked documentation contains updated instructions for how to compile v3, and (preliminary) instructions on how to migrate...