Hello How use constraint? Simple sample please...
Hello I'm using a simple two-bone structure and I found that the IK_FABRIK solver didn't want to work properly. I made two videos, the first in IK_TWO_BONE mode, the second...
Fcl use libccd, but libccd [contains errors](https://github.com/danfis/libccd/issues/71): https://youtu.be/vN_u3Ig1C2c if anyone knows a way to fix or get around this error - please tell me.
``` Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.18362.0 to target Windows 10.0.17763. Set RPATH explicitly to 'C:/Program Files (x86)/fcl/lib' CMake Error at C:/1/libccd-master/ccd-config.cmake:11 (message): File or directory C://include referenced by variable CCD_INCLUDE_DIRS...
Hello. I try draw circle to RGBA Image: ``` cimg_library::CImg src(pixels, 4096, 4096, 1, 4, true); const unsigned char color_Green[] = { 0,255,0 }; src.fill(75); src.draw_circle(2048, 2048, 4096/4, color_Green); ```...
Hello. I generate perlin noise and save him to PNG: ``` std::vector pixels; lodepng::encode("noise.png", pixels, width, height, LCT_GREY, 16); ``` It works correctly, I look in Photoshop and see that...
Hello. I try make project with Visual Studio 2019 and I got a lot errors error "LNK2019: ImGui::".
Hello. ccdMPRPenetration() return wrong dir penetration depth. Please, see this video, bright green stick - it's dir penetration: https://youtu.be/vN_u3Ig1C2c I think this is due to this problem: [ccdVec3PointTriDist2 computes different...
Now, to get access to a separate site by its index, you need to either make a separate array sorted by site indexes, or use a chart search. Maybe there...