Added video with portal visualization: https://youtu.be/f_AP5t7xvyA For a detailed discussion, you can follow this link: https://github.com/danfis/libccd/issues/71
> > > That seems to be a malformed PATH present in the `ccd-config.cmake` configuration file installed by `ccd` rather then a problem in the `fcl` build system. How did...
> I just wrote a quick test and lodepng seems to be working correctly in this case. I suspect you might have a bug in how you create your buffer...
> > > Did you clone the repository recursively? > > If not use the following command to do so: > `git clone --recursive https://github.com/diharaw/SkyModels.git` Thank you, it worked. But...
> Hey! > > Nice demos! Which branch/commit hash are you on? > > If you're on devel then unfortunately FABRIK is still being developed. I use Default branch (master)....
Hope you can do it. I really liked your library, great code, I love optimization. Thanks.
Bug in **ccdVec3PointTriDist2**
Bug there: ``` if ((ccdIsZero(s) || s > CCD_ZERO) && (ccdEq(s, CCD_ONE) || s < CCD_ONE) && (ccdIsZero(t) || t > CCD_ZERO) && (ccdEq(t, CCD_ONE) || t < CCD_ONE) &&...
> Just as a reality check, these are the lines of code to which you are referring, yes? Yes these lines > The solution will have to be more nuanced...
> The challenge is finding the triangle and point that is causing you problems because it is, ultimately, being generated inside libccd. Still, build enough things in debug build and...