Sorry I'm not familiar with that ... where do I find a documentation for that, or can you please tell me, how to enable the debug mode?
Here is the log, I tried to ad the category "Geburtstag" to an entry: [testeng.log](https://github.com/tine20/tine20/files/6023475/testeng.log)
* It is a personal tag * Yes the User has the role for personal tags (User has role user and admin) * Yes tags can be added via webui...
I tried the following: I set a tag in the webui ... it will then be synced to the client. Second setp:: I change the tag in the client and...
Did you find a solution or a missconfig on my side?
Thank you, When I can help anything, let me know
Sorry for the late response ... I've the SYNC-permission, and when I subscripe the calender freshly ... it is shown as I expect it, but when I restart Thunderbird the...
Problem was: I missconfigured the user: e-Mail Adress was "false"
Allmost 2 years old, but can you describe, how or where I define such an alias adresse for sending?
@pschuele Thank you!