Thank you so much for this solution.
If you `sudo pmset -a disablesleep 0` It turns it off. 0 is off and 1 is on (binary)
Same issue, I use would like to use my Mac closed with Ableton on battery.
> 1. settingseditor OMG it took me ages to find the icon too.
Have had the same issue which makes onCompletion not work but also the onLoading in the UI.
Thanks e-roy. ``` .finally(() => { // Call handleStreamEnd when the chat or stream ends handlers.handleChainEnd() }) ``` Is a good workaround 🙂
It's caused by event.keyCode === 229 Android does it for some reason. Really annoying. setTimeout(() => { editor.unnestBlock(); }, 100); I have a workaround that listens for 229 and undoes...