Michael Evans
Michael Evans
Are you sure this is related to this library? Seems like you might have a certificate problem on your network?
@joninvski Did you add it to mavencentral? Sorry this slipped off my radar.
+1, Also seeing this issue
@tasomaniac It's not possible to do for one reason - there's no way to dynamically generate the intent-filter with the data attribute you need. (Otherwise, yes, this would be possible)....
Would it be possible to make the entire argument the `id`? For example: ``` @Deeplink("https://domain.app/{id}") ``` And then parse the `id` for the part you're interested in before the `-something`?
@Dr-Emann Any update on this?
Looks good now, but I'd prefer to not merge PRs with merge commits. If you can fix that, I'll get merge it in :)
No problem! If you look at the commits you've made here, one of them (https://github.com/yelinaung/ColorArt/commit/0ddcae60cfc18e9850443dac8c1ad54f43fd88bb) is a result of a merge commit (http://www.monarchdigital.com/blog/2013-02-08/merge-commits-and-how-prevent-them-git-rebase) You can probably just squash your commits...
Sorry I hadn't gotten around to fixing this! I'm having trouble reproducing this. Can you upload an image that causes it to crash?