Michael Reich
Michael Reich
I tested it in the example and the language did not change at all. ``` export default GoogleApiWrapper({ apiKey: "AIzaSyAyesbQMyKVVbBgKVi2g6VX7mop2z96jBo", v: "3.30", language: "ja" })(MapContainer); ``` [Link to codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/34w632x8o6)
When I do yarn start I get this error: `Error: Cannot find module '@angular-devkit/core'`
I use the standard template from nuxt-starter and try to import scss to override variables. But it does not work: ``` @import '../node_modules/at-ui-style/src/variables/default.scss'; @import '../node_modules/at-ui-style/src/variables/timing-function.scss'; $link-color: #c03; $btn-primary-bg: #c03; @import...