Michael Reich
Michael Reich
Still not working ... Is it maybe because I use it with Redux? ``` const MapWrappedContainer = connect( (state) => ( { content: state.contentReducer, center: state.locationReducer.center, lang: state.contentReducer.lang, country: state.contentReducer.country,...
I got it working, that the language chagnes, but not if I do it with this: ``` export default GoogleApiWrapper( (props) => ({ apiKey: props.apiKey, language: props.lang }) )(MapComponent); ```...
Same here, any clou why this happens?
In this example it is very intuitive maybe it is possible to pass the config to the component: https://angularfirebase.com/lessons/angular-full-text-search-with-algolia-frontend-part-1/
I have the same issue and I'm on a Intel CPU
Why isn't that implemented?
Yes, this would help a lot!
That would be great!
Which File did you change this?
Thank you, did you already got accepted?