
Results 9 issues of Mi605

I need to transfer images created and edited in mtPaint to system clipboard for further processing in e.g. vector graphics program (incscape) or pdf annotation application (xournal). While this works...

From [mtPaint manual, chapter 10](http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/handbook/en_GB/chap_10.html) I've learned that: > »The commands are every bit as stable as menu structure and dialog items' naming is. Because the "commands" are the very...

roxterm steals focus when keying in an unicode character in command line like `ctrl+shift+u00ab` in case the character code contains the letter “f”. E.g.: `ctrl+shift+u1f60a` will stop after “u1” and...

### EasyEffects Version 7.0.1 ### What package are you using? Other (specify below) ### Distribution antiX 23 full 64bit runit ### Describe the bug When closing the window of easyeffects...

System just rebooted, after completely apt-upgraded. Still needrestart presents me a long list of processes which it considers to be in need of a restart: ``` $ needrestart -v [main]...


Running [some GUI script](https://gitlab.com/Robin-antiX/antixradio) fails on Herbstluftwm, while on other WM's it works. Detailed researching turned up running on Herbstluftwm causes a division by zero error in the script. Some...

On my amd 64bit most recently updated debian based linux system gdrive fails. I've installed latest available installer package for 64bit linux amd [https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive/releases/download/2.1.1/gdrive_2.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz](https://github.com/prasmussen/gdrive/releases/download/2.1.1/gdrive_2.1.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz) and checked the download against the...

Autodetection seems to fail, even on your example: ``` $ translate-cli -t zh "This is a pen." Translation: '' IS AN INVALID SOURCE LANGUAGE . EXAMPLE: LANGPAIR=EN|IT USING 2 LETTER...

There are theme packages present making use of xz compression algorithm. lxappearance Install button fails on them, forcing user to manually extract and copy files in place. Added .tar.xz to...
