Hi. After Granada Tezos protocol Conseil cant fully sync. It after restart it sync to latest block and then start `reprocess` some old blocks and and doesn't handle new one
Hi. After Granada Tezos update I see in Conseil logs a lot of different warnings related to JSON decoding. Examples `[] WARN TezosNodeFetchers (tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosNodeFetchers.applyOrElse:636) - I fetched an account delegate...
Problem: In table _baking_rights_ for each level missed some random baker priority. Usually missed priorities > 4. Same bug still actual for 2020-july-_release_-24. As I see missed baking rights where...
##### SUMMARY RPC method staking.Account returns General and Escrow balances. But escrow is a balance delegated to the account and that is very confusing for users. When a user perferoms...