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Conseil Tezos warnings
Hi. After Granada Tezos update I see in Conseil logs a lot of different warnings related to JSON decoding.
[] WARN TezosNodeFetchers (tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosNodeFetchers.applyOrElse:636) - I fetched an account delegate json from tezos node that I'm unable to decode: ... io.circe.DecodingFailure$$anon$2: Attempt to decode value on failed cursor: DownField(deposit),DownArray,DownField(frozen_balance_by_cycle)
[] WARN TezosNodeFetchers (tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosNodeFetchers.applyOrElse:636) - I fetched an account delegate json from tezos node that I'm unable to decode: "0" io.circe.DecodingFailure$$anon$2: Attempt to decode value on failed cursor: DownField(balance)
[] WARN TezosNodeOperator (tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosNodeOperator.notifyAnyLostKeys:467) - The following delegate keys were not found querying the granadanet node: tz1Ldzz6k1BHdhuKvAtMRX7h5kJSMHESMHLC
[] WARN TezosNodeFetchers (tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosNodeFetchers.applyOrElse:54) - I fetched baker rolls json from tezos node that I'm unable to decode: {"balance":"0","counter":"21938603"} io.circe.DecodingFailure$$anon$2: C[A]
I fetched a proposal protocol json from tezos node that I'm unable to decode: {"balance":"10095500","counter":"10439122"} io.circe.DecodingFailure$$anon$2: String
[] WARN TezosNodeFetchers (tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosNodeFetchers.applyOrElse:54) - I fetched a proposal protocol json from tezos node that I'm unable to decode: {"packed":"050a0000001601c7ebb859b447ac73b6d2165507f0fd597783c43100","gas":"unaccounted"} io.circe.DecodingFailure$$anon$2: String
@Messer4 At this point we don't have reason to think these issues are fatal. However, we are actively investigating data integrity after the Granada protocol-related changes to the Tezos node and will get back to you if we find something.