Mail v3.2.4 does not address the problem. Should it ? ``` root@cloud:/var/www/nextcloud# time sudo -u www-data php8.1 ./occ mail:account:sync -vvv 190 [debug] Skipping mailbox sync for 12558 [debug] Skipping mailbox...
Still present on 3.8.0
Bug still here on 3.9.0 beta 2.
Mais je vous en prie, mettez-vous en relation et faites ce que bon vous semble de ce projet !
I'm about to make (and then post here) a full comparison of 3 mail clients usable with nextcloud : Nextcloud official Mail app, Snappy mail and Thunderbird (this one is...
"Attach files to new emails" is checked, but I can't figure out how to do that. What am I missing ?
Button wasn't here when I tried (maybe a cache issue). But now, it works. Cool.
The address book of Snappy Mail is litterraly replaced by the Nextcloud one ? oO
Feel free to complete this first comparison : Features | Nextcloud Mail 2.0.3 | SnappyMail 2.23.1 | Thunderbird -- | -- | -- | -- | | | Nextcloud users...
Showing these 3 mail solutions to different users, the first reaction is : Netxcloud Mail UI is very nice. That make them forget all the technical limitations of the app...