Still present in 24.0.4.
Some news on this one ? And is it useful to have both Contact Groups and Circles ? What are the differences ?
Right click menu is mandatory for calendaring app
Cannot reproduce on 25.0.3. Closing.
If I create an event in a Google Calendar or some other external calendaring app and I invite a Nextcloud user by using his email, he receives the invitation in...
Was there a regression about that ? I can no more search the LDAP system address book when composing an email. Same users are present when sharing a file. Nextcloud...
Maybe related to this bug : when I try to print a large number of columns in one page width, a page break is inserted and there is a blank...
issue posted on helpdesk
> Hi guys. I ended up quitting this idea of running this software anymore. I installed a quick&dirty NC27 docker instance, put my 2 km files in it, extracted what...
> Here my two cents about the discussion hoping it will help. There is no need to install a "NC 27" instance to recover/export the "km" files, since thanks to...