show the exception message ree
Not really sure what would cause this. Make sure all your .NET Framework stuff is updated I guess.
That's also an option in the new version
does this apply to importing just events, just hkx, and importing a whole other animation, or just for some types of imports?
yeah i saw the thing about just events. it's weird because that came from a japanese debug string fromsoft left in the exe but whatever. i'll rework the animation edit...
As for getting a build of it, the fact that GitHub has ruined its website layout is **NOT** my fault. The .zip compiled EXE releases can be found in the...
or just hit Ctrl+F5 to run your project and leave the console window open afterward
I'm actually not the one who wrote the scp code in this and I have very little experience with driver related things. I also have no interest in working on...
STL and OBJ are useless since they don't support animation FBX is so complicated that I'm literally incapable of writing the code for it I've never looked at the actual...