Let's not add "ER should only be 1 day,
I have an additional feature suggestion for the comparison utility tool @fdefalco and @clairblacketer :) It would be nice to see the trend of results over time. A 1% increase...
Thank you, Maxim, for your response.
So, there is [talk]( about adding SNOMED concepts to the Geography domain. If that happens, then we should give the above guidance AND say there are also acceptable concepts with...
@clairblacketer Should this be a Vocab issue since it seeks the definition of "Case management visit"? Should the Vocab team define each of the Visit concepts?
@clairblacketer There is another question about the definition of a Visit concept_id. I will work with the Vocab team on defining and publishing definitions for these.
I also request this feature to be added. My use case: I have created a concept set from the Meas value domain for Measurement.value_as_concept_id. This concept set consists of >...
@clairblacketer @burrowse In the CDM documentation, we should link all *_type_concept_id fields to the Vocab page with these definitions.
The drug_type_concept_id stores the provenance (order, administer, etc.) of where these data are found in the source system. I believe this is well documented here: @clairblacketer Thoughts? Themis issue...
@clairblacketer and @MaximMoinat At the University of Colorado, we insert one record per data source into the CDM_Source table. Each of these data sources have different source release dates. And...