
Results 9 issues of Medhat

First, thank you all for your efforts. Are there any plots/charts supported by go-echarts to represent data intersection? For example one of the most used is UpSet plots (Used in...

Hi, I created a Conda environment with python 3.7. I tried to install cuvcf2 as follows `pip install cyvcf2` it did not work. error log: ``` gcc -pthread -B MY_HOME/conda_dir/envs/cyvcf-test/compiler_compat...

Hi, Thank you for your support. I tried to filter values with `min_subset_size=0.1` when using `show_percentages` but it did not filter (will work if I set both show_percentages and show_count...

Thank you for your efforts, Is there a way to control font size on bars? ![Screen Shot 2021-09-16 at 1 54 28 PM]( I am setting `sns.set_context("poster")` before I run...

[Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. open file on server to edit it from my laptop **Atom**: 1.54.0 x64 **Electron**: 6.1.12 **OS**: Mac OS X 10.14.6 **Thrown From**: [remote-atom]( package 1.3.12...

### Describe the bug When I try to log in to a remote server or use `omz update` I get the following error: ``` error: unknown option `local' usage: git...

``` Used command samplot vcf -v SV.sort.vcf -O png -b data.bam --important_regions gene_region.bed -d results --sample_ids "data.bam" --gff Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.100.chr.gff3.chr.gz --command_file I have results (but the gff annotations are not...

After I cloned the repository and run make: `-bash-4.1$ git clone` I have this issue: `[ 84%] Linking C executable flappie /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas collect2: ld returned 1...

I have installed pysam 0.15.1 when I run pysamstats: ``` import pysamstats.opt as opt File "libchtslib.pxd", line 2590, in init pysamstats.opt ValueError: pysam.libchtslib.HTSFile has the wrong size, try recompiling. Expected...