Results 5 comments of McJty

The thing is that RFTools Dimensions generates dimensions dynamically. i.e. it's like Mystcraft where it gives players the option to generate dimensions in game. I think Immersive Portals doesn't cope...

The problem is that inventory tweaks is rearranging the storage module which is also part of this inventory but it shouldn't touch that. I'd like to figure out a way...

Seems like EntityType.spawn() IS wrong though: ``` @Nullable public T spawn(ServerLevel pLevel, @Nullable CompoundTag pCompound, @Nullable Component pCustomName, @Nullable Player pPlayer, BlockPos pPos, MobSpawnType pSpawnType, boolean pShouldOffsetY, boolean pShouldOffsetYMore) {...

It's just a companion mod for my YouTube tutorial. I should put a link to the tutorial why y here. That's right

CompatLayer is a library. It is not even a mod. CompatLayer has *no* code that executes on its own so it cannot be the cause of this. That's literally impossible