Mark McFate

Results 12 comments of Mark McFate

I wondered about any performance hit too, and read this: https:/ In summary, it says there is no appreciable performance hit. So, I prefix almost ALL of my CLI work...

Yup, that is the thread I found yesterday. Going to have a look in the config for it now. Thanks!

Well, I couldn't find ANY of the config files mentioned in that thread, or others I followed. But, I did find a lot of conversation from a long time ago...

Still looking for possible approaches to satisfying this need. Currently giving a spin based on what I read at

Wow! Me like. Just took Lumogon (created by the folks at Puppet) for a spin on my Mac with an ISLE.localdomain set of containers running... and wow, what it reports...

So, there have to be some drawbacks/hurdles to overcome with PHP 7 and Drupal/Islandora 7, right? I mean, for a long time now I’ve just heard “don’t do it” when...

@ysuarez Thank you so much for troubleshooting this and posting Yamil! I think your addition here is sufficient so no need to open another issue or PR. I did a...

Yes, that's true @noahwsmith. However, I believe that in ISLE v1.1 all of the described edits are already in place, but within `./islandora_transforms/research_data_versions.xslt` the `RELS-EXT_to_solr.xslt` is included a 2nd

OK, here's the rest of the story, so far... ## 17) Eureka! Fixing the "...imported more than once..." appears to have fixed this problem I found that in a pristine...

In the case of ISLE, I found the target file in `./usr/local/tomcat/webapps/solr/css/chosen.css` inside the *Solr* container.