Max Fuxjäger

Results 16 comments of Max Fuxjäger

I got into this topic like 2 months ago. All philips hue logic is in a single executable, `/usr/sbin/ipbridge` as Tristan79 said. It's a C++ program and decrypted at boot...

I am most definitely sure that it is not :D Philips wrote it themselves probably. There are known URLs where you can download the binaries (i saw a reddit thread...

Jekyll already uses "Liquid", see [here]( Maybe this is what you are searching for. If you want to store data (like links or constants for example), you could use [Data...

Oh! This is possible! I use it myself! This is actually the core feature of Jekyll. For example [this Markdown file]( (which uses Liquid logic and variables) gets interpreted by...

> by recursively processing Liquid tags I see. I thought so too in the beginning, that's why I mentioned Includes. They kinda allow embedding of Markdown file within Markdown file...

This app would be really useful as a simple anonymous feedback form for flat, decentralized organizations! But without the multi-user view-results feature it cannot be used for that.

Thank god i wasn't the only one thinking that! Most probably a mistake.

I think this is the same issue as #240. There is an error message, but it is not visible because it's black. If you select all text from the page,...

Works for me too! EDIT: I would ask anyone reading this and interested in this issue voting for this bug on the Launchpad tracker and the other bug trackers as...

Heyo @janbaer, I already solved this problem by changing the service file: ``` [Unit] Description=Huawei-soundfix [Service] Type=idle ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ [Install] ``` This way you don't have...