Max Graey

Results 346 comments of Max Graey

> You could save the random bits to the disk to allow one player to get a different experience each time. The problem is that it is not clear exactly...

> And the following unreachable: > let b = new Uint8Array(10001); b[10001] = 0x0a; let payloadString = String.UTF8.decode(b.buffer); That's expected due to OOB in `b` array. You're access to `10001`...

> When passing an invalid UTF8 string into String.UTF8.decode, I expect it to return an empty string or a string containing the bytes up to the invalid part. In practice,...

loader already published under [`@assemblyscript` namespace](

Yeah. Result type should be a `bool`. Good point! But now I'm wondering should we restrict overloadings `==`, `!=` and etc to always be a `bool` as a result?

Hmm. I can imagine why space, `(`, `;` and `)` disallowing (because it may conflict with block comments `$abc(; block-comment ;)`) but I wonder why comma? πŸ€”

so just need use escape sequences ``` '(' => '\28' ')' => '\29' ';' => '\3B' ' ' => '\20' ',' => '\2C' '[' => '\5B' ']' => '\5D' ```

@dcodeIO I guess this already resolved?

> also, I'm curious if this is faster? Nope, not faster. Sometimes even slower, but it highly depends on logical expressions. And btw will need calc side effects and try...