Max Graey

Results 346 comments of Max Graey

`defer` is just early declaration for releasing resource (explicit RAII) and this the same as manually close such resource before return but with some more continent way. So ```rust fn...

JavaScript / Typescript usually return callback function which contine code for finalization: ```ts export function foo(): () => bool { const desc =; // some code return () =>...

If you required many descriptors simultaneously it may be something like this: ```ts let descMap: Map = new Map; // it could be stack / queue let gId = 0;...

I guess only update AS and as-wasi versions to latest

> I have no idea if the UTF-8 encoding would add considerable overhead to the cart size. Yes! String.UTF8.decode + String.UTF8.encode adds + `~1 Kb` which I think quite significant

I don't really understand the point of removing textUtf16 from API. Especially if it was introduced from the beginning. Whether you like it or not, languages that use UTF16 will...

As I understand, `textUtf8` /` textUtf16` actually is misleading names. Both methods are accepts only ASCII which use per-byte lookups in FONT bitmap. `textUtf8` just accepts `u8` raw array while...

To be honest, I don't really see the point of Unicode support for wasm4. While the environment is limited to 64kb cartridge memory, 4-color palettes, 160x160 px screen size and...

I see. So you just want to remap some of UTF8 range from 255-352 utf range to 127-224 ASCII range. But I think it should be done only for UTF8...

> I just use a frame counter to seed the PRNG when the user starts the game from the menu screen. It's a good trick, but what if the developer...