Max Graey

Results 346 comments of Max Graey

Btw you could nicer cast to non-nullable type without `changetype`: ```ts const file =, "r") if (file == null) { throw new Error("Could not open the file " +...

I wasn't done for performance reasons. as-bignum exclusively focused on perf. Building over `u128` will cause to significant overhead

Thanks. But this approach too early for current status of library

> Is it similar to checked_op in rust? Yes, but instead return option we just throw abort. > It seems that it is more convenient to introduce an Option, and...

> I mean providing the checked_op operator instead of providing a new type and overloading it. I see. I'm not fun of method based safe operations. Some applications like smart...

I'm just wondering what operations not implemented for `u128`? `safe.u128` also should be fully implement. Only required full test coverage.

> There seems to be some stuff which looks like missing: Ah, that's could be implemented really fast. Will check this tomorrow. I’m just not sure if anyone even uses...

`u128` and `safe.u128` should be fully implemented. But not 100% tests coverage yet

@luciotato I started implementation for `u128.muldiv` here #49

This already should be fixed. Check `0.2.7` version