Max Graey

Results 346 comments of Max Graey

@Technotechbloggie9 did you see [wasm3]( and [WAMR]( projects?

As I understand NFA -> DFA not helps in some scenarios.

Also It seems this part could be a more effecient: ```js function addNextState( state: State, nextStates: State[], visited: State[] ): void { if (state.epsilonTransitions.length > 0) { for (let i...

Another possible solution could be fuzz testing which generate some valid regexps with different inputs and flags and compare result with the same parameters from JavaScript's RegExp. Probably this library...

> Do i64 cause any problems at the border to js when converting to bigints? some calculations for Instant will required `i128` / `u128`. For example [here]( and [here](

I'm just wondering how `Map#has` and `Set#has` in 10 times slower than `Map#set` and `Map#delete` due to all this method use the same lookup method and `Map#set / Map#delete` also...

Btw "iteration" benchmark is not the same as for `HashMap` / `LightMap`: ```ts { const keys: string[] = native.keys(); for (let i: i32 = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) native.get(keys[i]);...

in rehash this part: ```ts const log: f64 = Math.log2(length); if (log !== Math.floor(log)) length = (Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(log))); ``` could be improved as: ```ts length = 1

> Virtual method is not implemented yet virtual methods should works in usual and abstract classes. If you have any problems with it plz fill issue