Results 10 comments of MATTHD

Yes y-a-v-a Is working great !!!

It's still the case, we cannot import types from component in TS files.. but it work in another .vue file !

@thisismydesign is this suppose to work ?

I have the same king of error, same version, crashing my app, I do not use ssr (but use *Shadow DOM* inside *content_script* of a web extension), but if I...

Any news on this ??

Hello, is this still WIP, is it possible to have lcov output or know how to have coverage report inside a tool like sonnarcube?

The idea is that we are trying to build the best dev experience about workspace management for our team. ATM `bit show app`. and `bit status` help a lot to...

Thanks for the suggestions ! 1. About the `create a temp workspace and bring only the app component into it (bit import it)` Yes but how to do that because...

Thanks for this explication ! In fact in devv we have all the app with their composent installed at the sale time. For prod because we want the smalest build...