We've found Istio ( ) to be increasingly useful in this context. KubeSpy ( )is an excellent tool for troubleshooting and diagnosing Kubernetes deployments.
+1 for Prometheus
We've done this with Ansible and Salt in a couple of big projects, only to end up with huge amounts of stuff just to get the actual stuff working. ##... is an excellent tool for "infrastructure as code". We use it to develop, spin up, update, upgrade and kill pretty large kubernetes/docker deployments.
> is a proxy manager / service mesh +1 for istio. Note that istio has very usedul trace/monitor/log features
There's actually a Content Delivery Network around where you can look behind the scenes. It's based on pretty much all the cool research, most of it available as production grade...
+1 for Kubernetes. We recommend Kelsey Hightower´s excellent introduction "Kubernetes the Hard Way", available on gihub