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Infrastructure as code
- GitOps
I don't think it is possible to have a "dev ops" environment without some kind of Configuration Management Tool. They make it possible to configure an environment through scripts. The big advantage of a tool like this is that new virtual machine or container instances can be easily created or updated. The most common solutions here I think are Ansible, Puppet, Chef and Salt.
It is probably best to pick one tool and have practical scripting exercises how to an enviroment can be configured programmatically.
Hi Göran,
Thanks for your suggestion.
Among Ansible, Puppet, Chef and Salt, what's the one with the best documentation, in particular getting started and tutorials pages to your opinion?
Terminology: infrastructure as code (IaC) #22
Reading material: GitOps: A Path to More Self-Service IT
"Use Cases for GitOps. DNS is an obvious place to start, as are VM creation, container maintenance and orchestration, firewall rules, website updates, blog posts, email aliases and mailing lists, and just about any virtual infrastructure or one with a configuration file or API."
We've done this with Ansible and Salt in a couple of big projects, only to end up with huge amounts of stuff just to get the actual stuff working.
The move to Terraform and Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL) made life a lot easier
We're running Salt extensively on thousands of nodes. It's working great for us and gives us great power in controlling our "standard" environments
I have seen this implemented with puppet, both badly and very well, in different organisations.
How good is your puppet? an empirically defined and validated quality model for puppet
Molecule is a tool for testing ansible scripts
Using Testinfra with Ansible to verify server state
Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions
Pulumi - Infrastructure as Code
The 'as Code' Activities: Development Anti-patterns for Infrastructure as Code
Automating web applications proxying, DNS registration and TLS termination with ansible
kustomize lets you customize raw, template-free YAML files for multiple purposes
Free version of Morris' book on infrastructure as code:
See accepted papers at CONFLANG, workshop on the design, the theory, the practice and the future evolution of configuration languages.
Luke Hoban on Infrastructure as Code IEEE Software
CUE: Configure Unify Execute "Validate, define, and use dynamic and text-based data"
Dhall is a programmable configuration language that you can think of as: JSON + functions + types + imports
Tool for vulnerability scanning of Infrastructure as Code
Modus is a language for building Docker/OCI container images, it uses logic programming to express interactions among build parameters, specify complex build workflows, automatically parallelise and cache builds, help to reduce image size, and simplify maintenance.
Paper: "Modus: a Datalog dialect for building container images."
cc/ @mechtaev @barr
Nickel's purpose is to automate the generation of static configuration files - think JSON, YAML, XML, or your favorite data representation language - that are then fed to another system. It is designed to have a simple, well-understood core: it is in essence JSON with functions.
This is relevant to Dhall.
Earthly is a CI/CD framework that allows you to develop pipelines locally and run them anywhere. Earthly leverages containers for the execution of pipelines. This makes them self-contained, repeatable, portable and parallel.
HashiCorp Packer Packer is a free and open source tool for creating golden images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
GLITCH: an Intermediate-Representation-Based Security Analysis for Infrastructure as Code Scripts
GitOps: The Evolution of DevOps? (IEEE Software)
Material for the Ansible Up & Running book: